Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Zoo is still around!




We're still here! Busier than I could have imagined possible. Can you believe our Gracie Girl is 8 months old today the 23rd?! Where does that time go? (BTW, that's Elizabeth in case you are confused...) :) Happy Day! Oh, and she's begun to sit up by herself finally--YAHOO!! I was so excited last night when she sat up in the bathtub and splashed around for a little bit!! I tried to have B get a picture but the moment was gone (she grew tired and hungry before I could summon the photographer). OH well, have a great one!
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Dori Overman said...

Yeah!!! I keep looking at your blog. I'm glad you are back. Loved the pictures. Your little Gracie is sure cute! I love that she shares BOTH of my girls names!

A Romantic Porch said...

Leslie, Just found your blog. Your family is beautiful.